The content of the H1 headline is important for Google....

A subheadline (H2) should be smaller and can be inserted several times on each page.

Hi, it's me, one of the text blocks on your new page4 website. I was built in here so that you can write really unique text yourself. Google doesn't like it when you have text on your website that is also on many other websites.


Why you can't find a ready-made sample page with texts for different industries on page4? The following little true story will help you to understand it...


We at page4 are interested people and like to think outside the box. So we once created a website with software from a competitor and on this page there were nice, ready-made texts built in on a certain topic like for example for a yoga studio. It looked pretty good. And because people are comfortable, they often leave these texts standing and only change the names of the acting persons. We know this from our own experience. So we looked for the really good sample text on Google and 30.000 other websites had exactly this text on their website. This saves time at first glance, but you can imagine that all these pages are punished by Google and that it is difficult to get ahead on Google. Because Google doesn't like double or even 30,000 times text. That's understandable.


You are unique and so should be the text on your website. You're gonna be fine. You can get help from our quick support team or from our online help.


Just replace me with your words. Click and change the text or use the toolbar that appears at the top of the text when you move your mouse over the text.


Tell a story about yourself on the front page. Imagine your readers want to know who they are in contact with the first time they visit your site. Just tell them what they can expect on the website. Which service or which products you offer. Or what your website is about. Google has long since stopped caring about which search terms you put down in the meta tags. Google wants to find these keywords in your text. So make up a headline, the first one on this page should be H1 as already prepared and include the most important keyword in the headline, so that it is of course really. Keywords are words that people search for on Google, and when you sell flowers, you're sure you want people looking for bouquets for special occasions to find your site, right? This is only possible if this search term appears in your texts. So think about it, what will your future visitors want to read? What are they interested in and what are they looking for? This is the basis for your text on the start page.

I'm still here, a second block of text. As you can see, this page consists of a row with 2 columns. You can add any content to it. Above me that is a picture from the picture archive. If it fits your theme, you can use it freely.


Maybe you will find some spelling mistakes in the texts on this page. That can happen. If you write yourself, you don't notice Feler, but others immediately notice these errors. It is best to have your text proofread by a stranger. This is good for your readers and good for your website.

This is an H3 headline in a single-column row

There must be a third block of text. You will create many text blocks and pictures on your website. There is no limit but remember, your visitors still want to find their way around.

If a page is too long, then it is better to create several pages. To do this, you can create as many new pages as you like with the "Pages" icon on the left and manage them in up to 10 levels. As you can see, texts across the entire width cannot be read so well. So you'd better make two or three columns. You will find sample rows with sample contents under the icon "Contents" and then under "Rows". This function is brand new also for free pages. That's enough talk now. Just start and build the best website in the world, YOUR.


Another thing, use the text editor only to mark single areas of a text, i.e. in bold, italic or so. Otherwise, adjust the typeface in the design. So you have full control if you want to adjust the whole font on all pages!

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